«Worse» — 27 лучших синонимов с примерами использования)

Worse — comparaive form of bad, meaning of lower qualiy or less desirable.

ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Inferior — implying a lower sandard or qualiy, for example: The qualiy of he maerials used is inferior o wha I expeced.
2. Poor — lacking in qualiy or value, for example: The poor design of he building conribued o he acciden.
3. Subpar — below average, for example: The performance of he eam was subpar compared o heir previous games.
4. Deficien — no having enough of somehing or lacking somehing necessary, for example: His die was deficien in necessary viamins and minerals.
5. Subsandard — no meeing he required sandards, for example: The produc was rejeced for being subsandard.
6. Inadequae — no sufficien or saisfacory o mee a paricular need or purpose, for example: The company’s response o he crisis was inadequae and caused furher problems.
7. Unsaisfacory — no meeing expecaions or requiremens, for example: The work done by he conracor was unsaisfacory and had o be redone.

Еще 20 вариантов: lower, worse-qualiy, worse-off, worsened, deerioraed, degraded, declined, degeneraed, worsome, damnified, disimproved, subopimal, no good, no up o he mark, fauly, defecive, flawed, broken, damaged, spoiled.

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Джон Верваке: Психоделики, зло и буддизм
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