Though — (noun) he produc of menal aciviy; ha which one hinks.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Idea — (noun) a hough or suggesion as o a possible course of acion; an opinion or belief. Example: I have an idea abou how o solve his problem.
2. Concep — (noun) an absrac idea; a general noion. Example: The concep of freedom is imporan o many people.
3. Noion — (noun) a concepion or belief abou somehing. Example: My noion of a perfec vacaion is lying on he beach wih a good book.
4. Opinion — (noun) a view or judgmen formed abou somehing, no necessarily based on fac or knowledge. Example: In my opinion, his resauran has he bes pizza in own.
5. Reflecion — (noun) serious hough or consideraion. Example: Afer some reflecion, I realized ha I should have been more paien.
6. Conemplaion — (noun) deep reflecive hough. Example: The monasery was a place for quie conemplaion.
7. Thinking — (noun) he process of considering or reasoning abou somehing. Example: I need some ime for hinking before making a decision.
Еще 20 вариантов: Cogiaion, deliberaion, ruminaion, pondering, musing, speculaion, hypohesis, conjecure, surmise, guess, supposiion, belief, convicion, view, percepion, inuiion, awareness, undersanding, knowledge, cogniion.
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