Spoil (verb) — o damage or harm somehing, o diminish he worh or value of somehing, o indulge someone excessively.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Ruin — o desroy compleely, o bring down or render useless.
Example: The sorm ruined he enire beach and desroyed all he beach chairs and umbrellas.
2. Damage — o harm or impair somehing, o weaken or lessen somehing.
Example: The car susained severe damage in he acciden and had o be owed away.
3. Deeriorae — o become worse in qualiy or value, o decline gradually.
Example: The condiion of he old book has deerioraed over ime due o is age.
4. Tarnish — o spoil he appearance or qualiy of somehing, o blemish or sain somehing.
Example: The silverware has arnished as i was no properly sored.
5. Corrup — o cause somehing o become dishones or immoral, o conaminae somehing.
Example: The poliician was accused of corruping he legal sysem o benefi himself.
6. Tain — o conaminae or pollue somehing, o damage he puriy or inegriy of somehing.
Example: The waer in he river became ained due o indusrial polluion and is now unsafe o drink.
7. Deface — o spoil he surface or appearance of somehing, o vandalize or disfigure somehing.
Example: The graffii defaced he walls of he building and caused damage o he pain.
Еще 20 вариантов: impair, harm, mar, injure, debase, lower, decrease, demoralize, devalue, debiliae, disfigure, vandalize, pollue, besmirch, bespaer, sully, bligh, flaw, deeriorae, cheapen.
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