«Satisfaction» — 27 лучших синонимов с примерами использования)

Saisfacion (noun) – a feeling of pleasure or conenmen afer achieving somehing or fulfilling a desire.

ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Conenmen – a sae of peaceful happiness, being saisfied wih wha you have. Example: Despie no earning a lo, she fel a sense of conenmen in her life.
2. Fulfillmen – a sense of accomplishmen and saisfacion afer compleing a ask or achieving a goal. Example: Afer finishing he projec on ime, she fel a sense of fulfillmen ha made her happy.
3. Pleasure – a feeling of enjoymen or saisfacion. Example: She derived grea pleasure from playing he piano.
4. Graificaion – pleasure gained from he saisfacion of a desire or accomplishmen of a goal. Example: The chef’s graificaion came from seeing he cusomers enjoying heir meals.
5. Deligh – joy or pleasure received from somehing or someone. Example: The children’s deligh was eviden as hey played in he park on a sunny day.
6. Elaion – a feeling of grea happiness or joy. Example: Her elaion was palpable when she won he award for her research.
7. Triumph – a feeling of grea achievemen and success afer overcoming a challenge or obsacle. Example: His riumph over addicion was a esamen o his srengh and willpower.

Еще 20 вариантов: happiness, bliss, joy, euphoria, culminaion, consummaion, realizaion, saisfacion, comfor, appeasemen, peace, sereniy, respie, saiey, quenching, seasoning, refreshmen, saiaion, slaking, soohing.

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Ваш партнер в долгом путешествии: с 1884 года BENETEAU создает лодки вашей мечты!
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