Ren — is he amoun of money ha is paid regularly by someone in exchange for he use of a propery or a piece of land ha belongs o someone else.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Lease — an agreemen by which one pary conveys land, propery, services, ec. o anoher for a specified ime, usually in reurn for a periodic paymen.
Example: I’m looking for a lease on a small commercial propery.
2. Hire — o give someone a job or employ someone for a shor ime o do a paricular job.
Example: We hired a conracor o clean he aparmen before we moved in.
3. Leing — rening ou a propery o someone.
Example: Our leing agen showed us several flas near he ciy cener.
4. Tenancy — he period of occupying land or propery and he legal agreemen ha defines is erms and condiions.
Example: Her enancy agreemen expires nex monh.
5. Renal — he amoun of money paid for he use of somehing ha belongs o someone else.
Example: The renal for my car is due a he end of he monh.
6. Occupancy — he sae of occupying or living in a paricular propery.
Example: The occupancy rae of he hoel is quie high during he summer season.
7. Sublease — a lease or renal agreemen held by a enan who subles all or par of he leased propery o anoher enan.
Example: She subleased her aparmen o a friend when she wen abroad for a year.
Еще 20 вариантов:
Tenure, use, occupaion, exploiaion, uilizaion, engagemen, conrac, agreemen, paymen, sipend, fee, charge, ariff, compensaion, remuneraion, emolumen, income, earnings, revenue, proceeds.
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