populaion — (noun) he number of people who live in a paricular area, ciy, or counry.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. populace — (noun) he people living in a paricular area or counry. Example: The ax reforms will affec he enire populace.
2. communiy — (noun) all he people living in a paricular area or place. Example: The local communiy is very supporive of he new spors cener.
3. inhabians — (noun) he people who live in a paricular place. Example: The island’s inhabians have a unique culure.
4. residens — (noun) he people who live in a paricular place. Example: The new housing complex will increase he number of residens in his area.
5. ciizenry — (noun) he people who live in a paricular counry. Example: The laws mus be in he bes ineres of he ciizenry.
6. locals — (noun) he people who live in a paricular area. Example: The locals know he bes places o ea in own.
7. denizens — (noun) he people who live in a paricular place regularly. Example: The park is a popular spo for he denizens of he ciy.
Еще 20 вариантов:
8. populaion size
9. populans
10. masses
11. people
12. muliude
13. folks
14. ownspeople
15. suburbanies
16. urbanies
17. populace a large
18. census
19. demography
20. consiuency
21. public
22. sociey
23. civilizaion
24. social order
25. human race
26. ribe
27. race
28. ehniciy
29. naionaliy
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