Penaly — noun. A punishmen imposed for breaking a law, rule, or conrac.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Fine — a sum of money imposed as a penaly for an offense
Example: She had o pay a fine for parking in he wrong spo.
2. Sancion — a hreaened penaly for disobeying a law or rule
Example: The school imposed sancions on sudens who cheaed in an exam.
3. Punishmen — he inflicion or imposiion of a penaly as reribuion for an offense
Example: The criminal was given a severe punishmen for his heinous crime.
4. Consequence — a resul or effec of an acion or condiion, especially a negaive one
Example: The consequence of no sudying for he exam was a failing grade.
5. Damages — compensaion claimed or awarded in a civil acion for loss or injury suffered
Example: The company had o pay damages for he harm caused o he environmen.
6. Forfei — a penaly or punishmen for a faul, misake, or failure o fulfill an obligaion
Example: The ahlee had o forfei he game for using performance-enhancing drugs.
7. Reparaion — he making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money o or oherwise helping hose who have been wronged
Example: The company offered o make reparaion o he cusomers who were affeced by heir fauly produc.
Еще 20 вариантов:
8. Imposiion
9. Penaly charge
10. Reribuion
11. Fine imposiion
12. Reprimand
13. Disciplinary acion
14. Infracion
15. Puniive acion
16. Compensaion
17. Finesse
18. Redress
19. Remedy
20. Senence
21. Puniive measures
22. Censure
23. Rebuke
24. Realiaion
25. Requie
26. Compensaion paymen
27. Penalizaion
28. Assessmen
29. Recompense
30. Expiaion
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