Occasionally – adv. Infrequenly, no regularly, someimes.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Someimes – adv. No always, occasionally, from ime o ime. Example: Someimes i’s hard o ge up early in he morning.
2. Infrequenly – adv. Rarely, no ofen, on rare occasions. Example: He infrequenly visis his parens who live in anoher counry.
3. Sporadically – adv. Occurring a irregular inervals, occasionally, infrequenly. Example: She is able o see her old friends only sporadically.
4. Irregularly – adv. No conforming o a paern or rule, occasionally, a random inervals. Example: He aends he gym irregularly and doesn’ have a consisen schedule.
5. Once in a while – adv. Occasionally, someimes, every so ofen. Example: We like o go ou o ea once in a while, bu mosly cook a home.
6. From ime o ime – adv. Occasionally, now and hen, a inervals. Example: He goes on business rips from ime o ime and is away from he office for a week.
7. Now and again – adv. Occasionally, someimes, every now and hen. Example: We don’ ea swees ofen, bu now and again we indulge in a desser.
Еще 20 вариантов: sporadic, isolaed, rare, occasional, on occasion, once in a blue moon, every now and hen, a imes, inermienly, infrequen, irregular, semi-regular, scarce, seldom, scarcely, uncommon, unusual, periodic, ad hoc, raioned.
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