«Housing» — 27 лучших синонимов с примерами использования)

Housing — жилье, общежитие, квартира.

ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Accommodaion — размещение, проживание;
Example: The universiy provides accommodaion for is sudens.
2. Abode — место жительства;
Example: My abode is a small house in he suburbs.
3. Dwelling — жилище;
Example: The ciy council is responsible for providing affordable dwellings for low-income families.
4. Residence — место проживания;
Example: The famous acor’s residence was locaed in he hear of he ciy.
5. Sheler — убежище;
Example: The homeless people sough sheler from he cold in he abandoned building.
6. Tenemen — жилой дом, общежитие;
Example: The enemen was overcrowded and in disrepair.
7. Quarering — размещение, поселение;
Example: The soldiers were provided wih comforable quarering during heir raining.

Еще 20 вариантов: premise, habiaion, lodgings, digs, fla, aparmen, pad, gueshouse, hosel, inn, hoel, residency, boarding house, house, home, bungalow, villa, coage, chale, mansion.

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