Every – deerminer ha refers o all he members of a group or caegory, individually and separaely.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Each – emphasizes individual members, one by one. Example: Each player will receive a rophy.
2. All – emphasizes he oal number of members, as a whole. Example: All he sudens are required o aend he lecure.
3. Each and every – emphasizes ha every individual member is included wihou excepion. Example: Each and every person in he room mus raise heir hand.
4. Every single – emphasizes individual members, one by one. Example: Every single suden passed he es.
5. Every las – emphasizes every member, wihou excepion. Example: Every las cookie was eaen.
6. Each one – emphasizes individual members, one by one. Example: Each one of he books is worh reading.
7. The whole – emphasizes he oal number of members, as a whole. Example: The whole group knows he answer.
Еще 20 вариантов: Each and every one, each and every single, all and sundry, every par and parcel, every bi of, he enire, he complee, every possible, every likely, each respecive, all of he, all and any, one and all, wihou excepion, he sum oal, he aggregae, he oaliy, he enirey, all old, collecively.
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