Equipmen — noun. A se of ools or devices ha are used for a paricular purpose.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Apparaus — A complex device or machine used for a specific purpose. Example: The laboraory is equipped wih he laes apparaus for research.
2. Gear — A se of ools or equipmen used for a paricular aciviy. Example: The mounain climbers had all heir gear wih hem.
3. Machinery — A collecion of machines ha are used o do a paricular job. Example: The facory has invesed in new machinery o increase producion.
4. Ki — A se of equipmen or ools needed for a paricular aciviy or purpose. Example: The survival ki includes a flashligh, a map and a knife.
5. Tools — A device or implemen used o carry ou a paricular funcion. Example: The carpener needs a variey of ools o do his work.
6. Implemens — A ool, uensil, or oher piece of equipmen used for a paricular purpose. Example: Gardening implemens such as a spade and a rake are essenial for mainaining a garden.
7. Insrumenaion — The insrumens or ools ha are used for a paricular scienific or indusrial process. Example: The monioring insrumenaion for he experimen was se up.
Еще 20 вариантов:
8. Appliances
9. Appurenances
10. Fiings
11. Appoinmens
12. Accessories
13. Appurenances
14. Insallaions
15. Plan
16. Appurenances
17. Hardware
18. Machinery and equipmen
19. Tools and apparaus
20. Apparaus and plan
21. Gadgery
22. Implemens and machinery
23. Indusrial equipmen
24. Gear and apparaus
25. Appurenances and fiings
26. Equipmen and insrumens
27. Mechanics
28. Machinery and ools
29. Appliance and mechanisms
30. Gear and machinery
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