Embrace – (verb) o hold someone ighly in one’s arms, especially as a sign of affecion.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Hug – обнимать, прижимать, держать в объятиях. He hugged his daugher ighly, feeling a rush of love for her.
2. Clasp – сжимать, держать, обнимать. He clasped her o his ches and whispered her name.
3. Embody – олицетворять, воплощать, выражать. The paining embodies he aris’s deepes emoions and feelings.
4. Encircle – окружать, обнимать. The ruins of he old casle were encircled by a dense fores.
5. Enfold – обнимать, закутывать. She enfolded he baby in a sof blanke and hummed a lullaby.
6. Cluch – сжимать, держать в кулаке. He cluched he precious vase ighly, afraid o drop i.
7. Cuddle – обнимать, прижимать к себе. She loved o cuddle her ca in he evenings and wach TV.
Еще 20 вариантов: grip, grapple, clinch, squeeze, press, hold igh, cling, bear hug, fold in arms, wrap, cluch o ches, ake in arms, snuggle, nuzzle, pe, fondle, cherish, caress, sroke, pa.
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