Efficiency — he abiliy o do somehing in he mos effecive way possible.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Produciviy — he rae a which somehing is produced. Example: The increase in produciviy led o a reducion in producion coss.
2. Effeciveness — he degree o which somehing is successful in producing a desired resul. Example: The new markeing sraegy proved o be more effecive han he previous one.
3. Efficacy — he abiliy o produce a desired resul. Example: The efficacy of he medicine was proven in clinical rials.
4. Performance — he effeciveness and efficiency wih which a ask is compleed. Example: The employee’s performance has improved since he underwen raining.
5. Oupu — he amoun of somehing produced by a person, machine, or indusry. Example: The increase in oupu led o an increase in revenue.
6. Yield — he amoun of somehing produced by a process. Example: The yield of he crop was lower han expeced due o unfavorable weaher condiions.
7. Capabiliy — he abiliy or apiude o do somehing. Example: The new sofware has enhanced he sysem’s capabiliy o process daa.
Еще 20 вариантов: compeency, proficiency, skill, apiude, alen, resourcefulness, adepness, masery, dexeriy, savoir-faire, experise, know-how, fluency, faciliy, finess, readiness, adepness, suiabiliy, appropriaeness, expedience.
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