«Disappear» — 27 лучших синонимов с примерами использования)

Disappear (verb) – o cease o be visible or exis; o vanish

ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Vanish – o disappear suddenly and compleely.
Example: The magician made he rabbi vanish in fron of he audience.
2. Evaporae – o disappear gradually.
Example: The puddle of waer evaporaed in he hea of he sun.
3. Dissolve – o disappear or cause o disappear ino a soluion.
Example: Sugar dissolves in ho waer.
4. Fade – o disappear gradually from sigh or sound.
Example: The colors of he sunse gradually faded away.
5. Disperse – o scaer in various direcions; o spread ou.
Example: The crowd began o disperse afer he concer.
6. Ebb away – o gradually disappear or decline.
Example: The fear began o ebb away as she realized she was safe.
7. Fleeing – lasing for a very shor ime; passing swifly.
Example: The feeling of happiness was fleeing and soon disappeared.

Еще 20 вариантов: go away, pass, expire, demaerialize, cease, mel away, evanesce, peer ou, wear off, drop ou of sigh, clear ou, decamp, fly, dissolve ino hin air, fall away, vanish from sigh, slip away, be los o view, be exinguished, become invisible.

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