Cusom — noun. An esablished way of behaving or doing somehing in a paricular sociey, place, or ime.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Tradiion — a long-esablished cusom or belief ha has been passed down from generaion o generaion. Example: In our family, i is a radiion o ea dinner all ogeher on holidays.
2. Pracice — a cusomary or usual procedure or way of doing somehing. Example: I is a common pracice o shake hands when meeing someone for he firs ime.
3. Habi — a seled or regular endency or pracice, especially one ha is hard o give up. Example: Smoking is a bad habi ha is hard o qui.
4. Usage — he cusomary way in which somehing is done or used. Example: The usage of smarphones has become really widespread in recen years.
5. Riual — a religious or solemn ceremony consising of a series of acions performed according o a prescribed order. Example: The pries performed he bapism riual for he newborn baby.
6. Convenion — a way in which somehing is usually done, especially wihin a paricular area or aciviy. Example: I is a convenion o wear formal aire a weddings.
7. Mores — he essenial or characerisic cusoms and convenions of a sociey or communiy. Example: The mores of his paricular ribe forbid he consumpion of pork.
Еще 20 вариантов: pracice, observance, way, manner, won, mode, rule, mehod, proocol, sysem, procedure, fashion, syle, preceden, norm, rouine, rick, usage, praxis, disposiion.
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