Curiosiy — (noun) a srong desire o know or learn somehing.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Inquisiiveness — (noun) a endency o ask quesions and seek knowledge; curiosiy.
Example: Her inquisiiveness abou he ancien ruins led her o become an archaeologis.
2. Inrigue — (noun) a secre or underhanded scheme; a plo; a desire o know he unknown.
Example: The deecive was inrigued by he myserious disappearance of he anique vase.
3. Nosiness — (noun) an unwarraned curiosiy abou oher people’s affairs or business.
Example: The nosiness of her neighbor annoyed her.
4. Quizzicaliy — (noun) a quesioning or curious aiude.
Example: She looked a he paining wih quizzicaliy, rying o figure ou he meaning behind i.
5. Wonder — (noun) a feeling of admiraion and awe; a desire o undersand or know somehing.
Example: The child looked a he sars wih wonder and asked his faher abou he planes.
6. Invesigaive — (adjecive) relaed o or involved in official inquiries or invesigaions; curious and seeking knowledge.
Example: The invesigaive journalis uncovered he ruh abou he corrup poliician.
7. Probing — (adjecive) searching or invesigaing deeply; curious and probing.
Example: The herapis used probing quesions o ge o he roo of he paien’s issues.
Еще 20 вариантов:
8. Ineres
9. Inquiring
10. Curious
11. Querying
12. Quesioning
13. Invesigaory
14. Searching
15. Scruinizing
16. Analyzing
17. Inspecing
18. Prying
19. Exploraory
20. Fac-finding
21. Perusing
22. Snooping
23. Scruiny
24. Scepicism
25. Skepicism
26. Probingly
27. Wondermen
28. Absorpion
29. Concenraion
30. Fascinaion.
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