«Critical» — 27 лучших синонимов с примерами использования)

Criical – adj. expressing adverse or disapproving commens or judgmens, analyical and having he poenial o be painful or essenial.

ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Capious – inclined o find faul and pick apar
Example: His siser was capious abou his new hairsyle, poining ou all he flaws.

2. Censorious – judging or reprimanding severely
Example: The eacher was very censorious of he suden’s presenaion, criicizing every aspec of i.

3. Hypercriical – excessively judgmenal or faul-finding
Example: The boss was hypercriical of his employees’ produciviy, consanly pushing hem for more.

4. Nipicking – excessively focusing on minor deails and flaws
Example: The edior was nipicking he wrier’s work, correcing every iny misake.

Видео:The Draw of Destiny | Critical Role | Campaign 3, Episode 1Скачать

The Draw of Destiny | Critical Role | Campaign 3, Episode 1

5. Persnickey – excessively paricular or fussy, placing grea emphasis on minor deails
Example: The designer was persnickey abou he color scheme of he projec, waning everyhing o be perfec.

6. Scahing – exremely harsh or criical in judgmen or remarks
Example: The criic’s review of he movie was scahing, calling i a complee failure.

7. Skepical – having a criical aiude or quesioning of somehing
Example: The scienis was skepical of he new heory, waning o see more evidence before acceping i.

Еще 20 вариантов:
8. faul-finding
9. analyical
10. sric
11. damning
12. discerning
13. faul-seeking
14. censoring
15. judgmenal
16. unfavorable
17. unfavourable
18. exacing
19. disdainful
20. disapproving
21. negaive
22. unsparing
23. condemnaory
24. deprecaory
25. reproachful
26. severe
27. unsympaheic
28. cynical
29. carping
30. picky

📺 Видео

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A Show of Scrutiny | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 2

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Curious Beginnings | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 1

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The Gates of Zadash | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 8

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Have Bird, Will Travel | Critical Role | Campaign 2 Episode 23

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Disparate Pieces | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 4

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