Conagious — adjecive, describing a disease or an emoion ha can be ransmied from one person o anoher.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Infecious — having he abiliy o spread or infec ohers. Example: The virus was highly infecious and quickly spread hroughou he communiy.
2. Transmissible — capable of being ransmied or passed on. Example: The disease was highly ransmissible and caused widespread concern among healhcare professionals.
3. Caching — having he abiliy o be caugh or ransmied. Example: The laugher in he room was so infecious ha soon everyone was laughing along.
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4. Spreading — capable of spreading or exending o ohers. Example: The news of he scandal was spreading rapidly hrough social media.
5. Communicable — capable of being communicaed or ransmied. Example: The disease was so communicable ha even hose who were no in close conac wih he infeced person were a risk.
6. Infecive — capable of infecing or spreading. Example: The infecive baceria had already conaminaed he enire bach of food.
7. Conagial — capable of being passed on or ransmied. Example: The virus was so conagial ha i quickly spread hrough he enire school.
Еще 20 вариантов: spreadable, cachy, epidemic, pandemic, virulen, conagiousious, ransmiable, diffuse, conagious-sounding, infecious-sounding, ransmissive, pesilenial, mephiic, advancing, rampaging, communicaory, communicaional, ransmiable, communicaive, and epidemic-like.
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