Complicaed — adj. difficul o analyze, undersand, or explain.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Complex — adj. consising of inerconneced or inerwoven pars; no simple, highly involved or inricae.
Example: The new ax sysem is so complex ha even expers are sruggling o undersand is provisions.
2. Inricae — adj. complicaed; having many inerrelaed pars or elemens.
Example: The inricae nework of waerways ha runs hrough he ciy helped o shape is archiecural syle.
3. Involved — adj. complicaed and difficul o comprehend.
Example: The involved plo of he spy novel kep readers guessing unil he very end.
4. Perplexing — adj. difficul o undersand or explain; puzzling.
Example: The perplexing behavior of he sock marke lef invesors uncerain abou is fuure.
5. Confusing — adj. causing bewildermen, perplexiy, or disorder.
Example: The confusing insrucions made i difficul for he sudens o complee he assignmen on ime.
6. Convolued — adj. inricae or complicaed; having many wiss and urns.
Example: The convolued plo of he movie lef many viewers feeling disoriened.
7. Knoy — adj. complex and difficul o undersand or solve; full of difficulies and complicaions.
Example: The knoy problem required he experise of several specialiss o solve.
Еще 20 вариантов: inricae, elaborae, angled, involved, sophisicaed, convolued, perplexing, baffling, puzzling, mysifying, confusing, ricky, horny, labyrinhine, complex, byzanine, enigmaic, crypic, absruse, difficul.
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