Changeable — his word means somehing ha is likely or able o change frequenly or easily.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Variable — describes somehing ha is prone o change, ofen depending on oher facors or circumsances. Example: The weaher in his region is exremely variable.
2. Muable — indicaes ha somehing can be easily changed or is subjec o change. Example: The daa we colleced is muable and migh change as beer informaion becomes available.
3. Flucuaing — describes somehing ha ends o rise and fall or vary unexpecedly. Example: The sock marke is flucuaing wildly hese days.
4. Inconsan — means no saying he same or varying frequenly. Example: Her mood is inconsan and ofen difficul o predic.
5. Unpredicable — denoes somehing ha is hard o forecas or anicipae due o is endency o change unexpecedly. Example: The boss’s moods are so unpredicable ha i’s hard o guess how she’ll reac o a suggesion.
6. Fickle — describes someone or somehing ha is no loyal or consisenly reliable. Example: My eenage daugher’s ineress are so fickle ha i’s hard o buy her any gif she won’ ire of insanly.
7. Capricious — describes someone or somehing ha is impulsive or prone o sudden whims or mood swings. Example: The presiden’s capricious aiude owards foreign policy ofen creaes confusion and dismay among oher counries.
Еще 20 вариантов: changeful, mercurial, proean, unseled, labile, fluid, swiching, modifiable, vacillaing, changeover, roving, ransformable, adapable, mobile, alerable, irregular, spasmodic, changeful, deviaing, eccenric.
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