Behave — verb, o ac in a paricular way, o conduc oneself in a cerain manner.
ТОП-7 синонимов:
1. Conduc — refers o someone’s behavior in a paricular siuaion or even. Example: The sudens’ conduc during he school assembly was impeccable.
2. Ac — emphasizes he way ha someone is behaving, ofen referring o a specific acion. Example: He aced rudely owards his coworkers during he meeing.
3. Reac — describes someone’s behavior in response o a paricular siuaion or even. Example: She reaced angrily when she found ou she didn’ ge he promoion.
4. Operae — ofen used in he conex of machinery or equipmen, bu can refer o someone’s behavior in a sysemaic and effecive way. Example: The eam was able o operae efficienly o mee he deadline.
5. Funcion — a more formal word used o describe behavior ha is expeced or required in a paricular role or siuaion. Example: The governmen is responsible for funcioning effecively during imes of crisis.
6. Perform — used in reference o more formal or specific acions, ofen involving a skill or alen. Example: The acor performed flawlessly during he play.
7. Ac up — refers o misbehaving or behaving badly, ofen in a way ha is disrupive. Example: The kids aced up during he movie and were asked o leave he heaer.
Еще 20 вариантов: ac ou, carry oneself, compor oneself, depor oneself, execue, go on, handle oneself, make a scene, misbehave, observe, porray, presen oneself, pu on airs, show off, ake acion, ake charge, ake responsibiliy, work, funcion, run.
💥 Видео
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Behave + Selenium Webdriver для тестирования web-проектовСкачать
【Multi-sub】Behave Yourself, Brother-in-law EP35 | Allen Deng, Li Yitong | CDrama BaseСкачать
【Multi-sub】Behave Yourself, Brother-in-law EP16 | Allen Deng, Li Yitong | CDrama BaseСкачать
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